Thursday, March 17, 2011

Paper Draft/Update

Over spring break, I've done quite a few couple hour sessions of writing my paper.
My paper is concerned with the proper use of sarcasm and how it can promote self-actualization.
So far, I've decided to incorporate Maslow's theory of self-actualization as a base to critique sarcasm from. I've found some bounds to my topic including speech being purposeful, and also not overtly harmful.
So far, I have assessed what it takes to develop properly as an individual according to humanistic psychology. I have several primary source materials that are psychological studies of the interpretation of sarcasm. These will be used to identify the processing, cognition, and specialization of sarcasm.
The next steps involve social cognition, more references to neurobiology, and cultural interpretations of sarcasm.
After that, images will be ananlyzed for sarcasm and irony. [I'm still choosing images]
Then, with the empirical base in place, I'll move on to professional and personal accounts of sarcasm, humor, the mixing of human emotions, and potential therapeutic benefits of sarcasm.
It seems like my research and hard-work is coming together quite well.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Topic Update

I have changed my topic again in hopes of something a little more substantial than a "hot mess." My new idea, "Sarcasm = Life" will most likely be more able to be evaluated from both a visual rhetoric standpoint, and has the potential for more interest and personal application as well.
I am currently in the library trying to make up for lost time, but I have since found two Psychological research articles dealing with the idea of sarcasm and how it is perceived. I'll be using Lester's six points to assess visual images that I have yet to determine, but will most likely feature political sarcasm, and internet "spoofs" or "ventings" by e-cartoonists, but I have yet to make a concrete decision on this aspect.
I have a feeling I'll be up past 3 am each day for the rest of the week. Again. :D

Thursday, February 24, 2011

AB Four

Well, since I don't have a concrete topic in place yet, I decided to do some research of psychological disorders. I'm still not sure about my research topic, but it may have something to do with the idea of "a hot mess."

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Topic Change:

Due to an explosion of thinking on my topic, I have decided to save this topic for JMS, and pursue a more "visual rhetoric" persuaded topic.
So far, my biggest lead has been introducing the idea of a "hot mess" and how it can be helpful as a human being, college student, and philosopher. I have it fairly well planned out, but I'm going to ruminate a bit more before dedicating myself.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

AB Three

I did this annotated bibliography on the documentary Jesus Camp. It is a film about Evangelical Christians abusing and brainwashing children into becoming Republican, Xenophobic Holy Rollers.
I have my project fairly well planned out, and am attempting to schedule interviews as time progresses.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

AB Two

My second annotated bibliography was a speech given by Mitt Romney talking about religion.
I narrowed down my topic to the idea of America being a "Christian Nation" and how that way of thinking affects different aspects of the community negatively esp. in the areas of secondary education, politics, and social interaction as a person.
I have branched out my idea considerably. I sent an email to Congressman Pete Stark requesting a phone interview [with potential to develop further], and secured a bid from Dr. Anne Mathews on her perspective on how the fundamentalist's idea of America being a "Christian Nation" affects one professionally and socially. I have sent an email requesting to interview Dr. Robert Money, the chair of Millikin's Philosophy department and all-around great guy, on his views on Philosophy, what it is, how it is helpful with respect to education, and why people are averse to it being in secondary institutions. Furthermore, I have sent an email to the Decatur school district superintendent's secretary to interview her about her views on how religion and school interact, and also me proposing the idea of introducing Philosophy as an elective for upperclassmen within the district's offered courses. I intend to expose any resistance from religious people against Philosophy, and how that contrasts to what Philosophy actually is and why it is a beneficial educational took (according to my expert, Dr. Robert Money).
I have a friend who has connections with Judy Barr Topinka, and I intend to reach out to her in an interview about her beliefs, and how she trys to portray herself in politics. I want to get her perspective as a Republican in contrast to Congressman Stark (who is a Democrat in California). I plan to interview her about her religious beliefs, and what she believes is ethical voting. I also want to find out her perspective as to religious/political advertising methods.
I also want to analyze political ads with reference to this idea of America being a "Christian Nation" and seeing how this affects political advertisements with respect to target audiences (which ultimately affects voting).
My overall goal is to assess the health of the nation in many aspects, especially politically, with respect to the idea of America being a "Christian nation."

AB One

My first annotated bibliography was LaVey's Satanic Bible.
I am in the beginning stages of developing my idea, and I think I want it to do with religion.